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Market Harborough's Arts Fresco is the top international street theatre festival in the Midlands, taking place every September.
The festival is organised by a dedicated team of volunteers, who give up considerable amounts of their free time to worry about weather, stress over scheduling, and fret over financing. On the day itself, there are a team of volunteers who work incredibly hard to make the day the success it is. If you fancy being one of our volunteers, and are over 18, please do get in touch! 
None of this is possible without the help and support of our sponsors, supporters, and the generosity of the general public. We depend on every penny donated to help us pay for a bigger, better festival, and every penny we get goes towards that - every single person involved with Arts Fresco is a volunteer.
We have a Busk page, where you can donate whatever you like, all of which will help make Arts Fresco a sustainable event.


You can find our page at

Huge thanks to our very generous sponsors;


Thanks for submitting!

Copyright Arts Fresco 2024. All materials on this web site are copyrighted, either by Arts Fresco, or by the relevant organisations and performers. Use of any content on this site is not permitted without the permission of the copyright holder.


Website designed and built with pride in Market Harborough by wintergreen:digital.   

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